From Strategy to Execution in 9 steps (S2E)
Key success factors of a strategic process that becomes a reality:
- Crafting a detailed vision-future picture and defining the strategic drivers that will take us there
- Formalizing a detailed tactical plan that considers the existing organizational resources, capabilities and translates them into KPIs
- Exposing and dealing with impediments, barriers, and limiting beliefs
- Engage the entire organization in the process
- building strategy implementation platform and consistently governance the progress
Obviously, each organization has its strength and weaknesses and we design the process to the organization’s unique character.
S2E Model was formulated after mentoring tens of organizations and hundreds of management teams in forming and executing strategic processes.
We retrospective many successful and unsuccessful processes and crystalized a simple system that takes the organization in 9 steps from strategy to execution – S2E.

Our uniqueness in strategic processes
Creating high and positive energy for a change
Creating a short, focused process with an experiential kickoff for several ranks and start a new year with a clear future picture, strategic drivers and energized organization wanting to execute the strategy
Engaging the entire organization
The more people are involved in creating the strategy, the more they're committed to it. The smart move is to involve the mid-level managers in creating the parts that are relevant for them. Let the management decide the targets, but the mid level design the way to get there.
Establish a strategy implementation platform
A strategy is measured by its execution, not its formation. Our focus is on creating a consistent system that advances its execution on a monthly basis. Each strategic driver will have an owner and a team that will progress any month in a reasonable leap.
Mentoring of key people during execution - making sure progression
Oftentimes, the mentoring of 3-5 people who help maintain long term focus, consult in driver planning, managing people, processes and models – is what makes a difference.
A strategy in a single slide - clarity
Even if the strategy is complex, we will simplify it together, to one slide that enable an easy cascading and communicating to the entire organization. Each level will take the 'one slide' and will translate it to their own KPI's and meanings.
Strategic process consultants
We are not an experts in your content, we are process experts. We are experts in taking you the journey of the strategy to execution process and ask the right questions. If you have the right people, we could help you realize the best out of them.
How do we engage the whole organization and ensure strategy execution?
Management forum
the NTL method answers three major questions: where are we? Where are we heading? And how will we get there?
At the initial stage with management
we create the organizational strategy on high-level perspective: the current status, a vision future picture and 3-5 strategic drivers.
Second step – engaging mid level forum and creating the "way" for execution
In an extended management forum (30-80 managers) we take the strategic drivers, and together in a focused facilitated process we create the "how".
Each strategic driver will be planned and later prioritize – to have detailed plans and actions for strategy execution.
Execution process that matches the organizational routines
the secret lies in… execution. We match each organization with the relevant forum and platform that becomes the strategy implementation routine that monitors a strategic progress on a monthly basis. We coach the teams until they're right on track and produce strategic outcomes.
Strategic Outcomes
- In-depth leadership engagement to a mutual clear future picture– "where" the organization is heading.
- Connecting the levels - joint language between management and mid-level (no more "us" and "them").
- Efficient multifunctional strategic teams – that advance the organization each month toward the execution of the strategic plan.
- A sense that the organization is investing in a long-term outlook, that there's someone to trust, there's a path, and a road to march on.
- Tight mentoring in execution, supporting when needed and marching ahead properly and effectively.